Light Crystal


Light Crystal Systems provides network infrastructure to empower individuals and help make network society more resilient.



silver network of light

We host a node on the decentralized, encrypted peer-to-peer network Yggdrasil. Use it as an entrypoint to the Yggdrasil network or to peer your own public node.


Glitched purple orb with a search bar under it

You may search the web with our SearXNG instance, a search aggregator and proxy.


Repository view in forgejo showing recent commit author and message and a host of project files

We host a code forge running Forgejo as a user-friendly alternative to centralized forges. In addition to source control, it offers issue tracking, kanban, and a wiki system to organize your workflow. Feel free to shoot us an email if you'd like an account.


Instance information of soulnet: a sharkey server _connecting across the net with your feelings and stuff_.

Welcome to Soulnet: a Sharkey server participating in an open social network using the federated ActivityPub protocol. It aims to be an inclusive homeserver encouraging earnest communication and direct action. Registrations are open with manual review.